Men's Singles Qualification

2014 Chile Open - 10 Apr 2014 to 13 Apr 2014
Who Played

Photos are by courtesy of the ITTF


2014 Chile Open


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Group 1

 Rodrigo GilabertAlex RodriguezMatias NietoWinsSets
Rodrigo Gilabert 4428
Alex Rodriguez0 0(Forfeited)00
Matias Nieto00 10

Group 2

 Lucas BayonaManuel MoyaFernando JaraWinsSets
Lucas Bayona 4428
Manuel Moya3 417
Fernando Jara00 00

Group 3

 Juan DaherEdgard AcunaCristian FuenzalidaWinsSets
Juan Daher 4428
Edgard Acuna0 000
Cristian Fuenzalida04 14

Group 4

 Marcelo FernandezHenrique NaritaCarlos EscalanteWinsSets
Marcelo Fernandez 1415
Henrique Narita4 428
Carlos Escalante00 00

Group 5

 Johan ChavezGustavo GomezCarlos BasalettiWinsSets
Johan Chavez 0(Forfeited)414
Gustavo Gomez0 0(Forfeited)10
Carlos Basaletti00 10

Group 6

 Rodrigo EspinozaClaudio MoyaFelipe GonzalezDennis CarvalhoWinsSets
Rodrigo Espinoza 24319
Claudio Moya4 0438
Felipe Gonzalez30(Forfeited) 306
Dennis Carvalho424 210

Enjoy your table tennis!